Memorialize Account

Posted in Uncategorised

Currently, the Toxic Troll Queen of Hero Wars "Miss Julia", a moderator of the Official Hero Wars Facebook group, operates a number of accounts belonging to deceased players. She has been known to demand logins to members of her guild. IP traces to both the usage of her own account and the ones she utilizes belonging to deceased individuals will most likely match. This is a violation of Facebook's TOS for her to do so.

Many were friends with the now-deceased individuals who are being used, inappropriately and without the consent of the family members in violation of Facebook's TOS, and given their close friendship to the deceased can and should request memorialization of the accounts in question. 

To memorialize an account, you will need:
1. The Facebook Page URL
2. The obituary as a file. So take a screenshot of it.
3. Read the obituary, and note the date of death.

Go to:
and fill out the info/attach screenshots. You can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"King of the North"
Wayne Alexander Pfeister
Deceased July 10, 2022

Wayne's gaming accounts, some of which also violate the Facebook ToS for being Fake Profiles:

Upon viewing these accounts, you can click on the three dots on the far right of the profile to report these profiles as fake in addition to requesting memorialization of the accounts. 

Wayne Alexander Pfeister's death information for screenshots:

Revered and loved by many while she was alive, we're certain she would be turning in her grave to know that an unscrupulous attention whore with insecurity and control issues is using her Facebook account postmortem. 
Deceased July 13, 2020

Vicky on Facebook:

The "Pandora" account:

Vicky Williams Obituary (Take screenshots, save, then  attach to Memorialization request)