Guild Rules


Posted in Guild Rules

Welcome to our Guild Rules section of the site. In the menu above you'll see options to view each guild rule individually. 

★ Our rules are uniform across all of our guilds, with exceptions specified when they apply only to casual guilds or the Dracoliches guild

★ Rules are debated and enacted by our Council of Dragonlords who publish all new rules or amendments on the 1st of each month. 

★ We often refer to these new updates to our rules and procedures as a "Dragon Patch", much like an update to a game :) 

X. Battling Guild Members

Posted in Guild Rules

★ Members are not allowed to attack members of their own guild unless it's their own reset hour.
We do maintain a courtesy channel in Discord with reset times and list them online.

★ We do NOT tolerate public complaining/arguing in the game chats or Discord about arena. Contact any guild officer to discuss privately. 

★ On servers with multiple dragon guilds, the rule is simple: it is always permissible to battle members of other dragon guilds. If you choose to refrain from attacking brother guild members, that's great! 


XII. Hall of Fame

Posted in Guild Rules

All Dragons who retire from gaming with us are eligible to be inducted into our Hall of Fame. Candidates are drawn from the rolls of the Retired Dragons, which consists of those Dragonknights who retire honorably as Dragons. 

★ Candidates must retire with the rank of Dragonknight.
★ Candidates must retire as Dragons, not former members who retire elsewhere. 
★ It does NOT matter what game the Dragonknight was playing.
★ It does NOT matter which guild the Dragonknight was a member of. 

An election occurs annually in December of each year, with a vote running one week from Sunday to Sunday. The Council of Dragonlords shall announce in advance how many candidates will be elevated from the vote. 

★ Only Dragonknights are allowed to vote in the election, and ALL Dragonknights may vote regardless of whether they shared a guild with the candidate.
★ Voting will occur in Discord. 


XI. Dragon Guilds

Posted in Guild Rules

The Dragons operate multiple guilds, most of which are designated as progression guilds. Each guild adheres to the same rules and procedures, including the same guild ranks. 

★ Each guild is led by a Dragonlord who sits on the rules-making "Council of Dragonlords"
★ In December of 2020, the Council of Dragonlords voted to limit the number of guilds (excluding Dracoliches) to no more than seven (7). In December of 2021, the decision was revisited and confirmed, thus limiting the Council of Dragonlords to seven members. 
★ No Dragon guild may have the same name as another Dragon guild. 
★ The Council of Dragonlords has approval authority over all guild names & banners. 
★ Any member who is a Dragonknight may request to start a Dragon Guild, subject to the approval of the Council of Dragonlords. 

IX. Adventures

Posted in Guild Rules

One Map for All! 

★ We use the same adventure map in all of our guilds:

★ The link to the Adventure Map can always be found on our main menu bar of our website for your convenience. 
★ Generally for the lower adventures, Path A is for use by the person who starts the adventure, with Path B going to the 2nd person to join, and C to the 3rd.
★ No deviations or alternate routes from any other site are permitted for any reason. 
★ We expect you to communicate in an adventure and identify what path and what option (for maps with 2 options) you are taking. Be a pro.

Be Courteous and Respectful

★ Do not start an adventure and just sit there, for lower level adventures you are expected to complete your full route before signing off, for higher level adventures you are expected to, at a minimum, complete the portion of the route that can be done without assistance.
★ Do not take 2 days to sit in an adventure. If you are in an adventure, you should check back THE SAME DAY to see the progress. It's ok to have an adventure sit "overnight"

Don't be afraid to ask if you don't know

★ Do not start, or join, an adventure you are not ready for. If you don't know, ask (an officer, in guildchat, etc)
★ Ask anywhere: Guildchat, private message, Discord, wherever. No one is going to ridicule you, we're here to help you learn the game. 

Be Kind and Polite

★ Don't complain in our guildchat / Discord / Publicly about another member's performance in an adventure. Contact any general or the guildmaster and confidentially discuss it. We do not reveal the name of the person who files a complaint with us, and we will reach out to coach the person who violated the guild rules on adventures.
★ If you are contacted because someone complained about your performance in an adventure, the first incident is a warning and kept confidential. The second instance that we receive a complaint, the offending member is subject to release from the guild.